Monday, February 27, 2012

Contract signed!

This is a big day for us! The day that we commit ourselves to a life of debt! :D
Today we signed our contract with Carlisle Homes. Finally, I can start this blog!
I've been hesitant to start this blog before today because there could still be a lot of changes. We've been through several house design changes - from Atlantique 36 to Baltimore 35 to Albany 40, finally Baltimore 40. Even today, before we signed our contract, we've had a few changes which are logged as Post Contract Variations. At least the most complicated type of change was avoided - changing builder - which I admit briefly crossed our minds. So here it is! We come to this stage and we are excited and looking forward to this house building journey. We hope to get the build started in 3-4 weeks time after some paper works to be done by the builder and our mortgage broker. Our contract appointment lasted for 3 hours. We arrived 11:15am for our 10:30am appointment (due to rain and traffic jam) and concluded it at 2:15pm.

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